Our Fly Fishing Style
Fly Fishing makes up the majority of our business. We have drift boat and walk & wade options, but our Alumacraft 185 Competitor is the real workhorse. The boat is powered by a 90HP Yamaha 4 stroke, and set up for the Nipigon area.
While fly fishing out of a boat, an experienced guide makes a world of difference. One of our main attractions has always been elite boat control. We aim to be the best option for fly anglers in the area.
With us, you can fish some of the fastest water for big trout, or cover ground on the big lake while being comfortable and stable.
Staying on the spot properly is highly advantageous.
We fish some serious waters that you simply can't fly fish without proper boat control.
Our boats are designed to be ideal for two people to fly fish off of the same side, or opposite sides simultaneously.
There is ample room for two people to single hand cast or send full spey casts.
The boats have a raised 360 degree walk around design, so when a fish says it's time to move, there's nothing to slow you down or grab your fly line.
We can set you up as close as you need to make your cast.
The spot lock feature by Minn Kota is a must have, and our boats are equipped.
We know the deeper secrets of the waters and the species that we are after. For each species, there is a seasonal progression that gives us insight year after year. Fishing spots change, and we know where to be at the right time. Every year we capitalize
on patterns from years past, documenting and improving our game.
Naturally, our program is targeting aggressive fish, moving spot to spot throughout the course of the day. Whether it is Brook Trout, Steelhead, Pike or Lake Trout that you seek, we will have a daily 'circuit' of spots in mind. We are up to date on current conditions, paired with intel from the past to provide consistency.
On nice days enjoy covering miles on Lake Nipigon, where fly fishing is very effective. Many of our guests enjoy the
chance of catching at least 3 species in one day.
Brook Trout, Lake Trout and Pike is generally the 'Trifecta'.
Swinging flies in the heavy current for Brook Trout is our specialty for fly fishers, along with a growing niche of skating dry flies on the surface when the time is right.
Neil is always finding new spots on the lakes and rivers to expand the program, and create the ultimate experience. ​

Henry Gilbey Photo

Our Location
Summer: Nipigon, Ontario
Winter: Southern Ontario
Email: neilleducfly@gmail.com
Tel: 1-519-503-CAST (2278)​